What your Job Satisfaction Score means:
90-100% -- Stay where you are, but don't rest on your laurels. Do a yearly career checkup to make sure you continue to be satisfied.
80-89% -- You're pretty happy, but your career needs some fine tuning.
70-79% -- You are probably restless and wondering if you need to make a change. It's time to improve your current position or start looking for something better.
60-69% -- You don't like your job, but you're mired in a state of comfortable misery. Family responsibilities, fear of change, imminent retirement or the possibility of a lucrative severance package may keep you hanging on. Be careful. If you linger too long, your self-esteem will suffer.
0 to 59% -- You must be feeling really low. Life is too short to spend 8-10 hours a day in a job you hate. For everyone's sake -- your family, your friends, your colleagues and your company -- get out of there.